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Industrial Organizational Psychologists make a Big Bet on Performance Management

Industrial organizational psychologists are talent experts who study workplace issues of critical importance to business, including talent management, performance, coaching, assessment, selection, training, organizational development, and work–life balance. Each year the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology surveys its membership to identify the 10 top workplace needs.
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1:1 Performance Check-In Meetings Drive Employee Performance

Google’s famous Project Oxygen study identified that the most important thing that managers can do to be successful is to coach. This includes asking questions versus providing answers, providing constructive feedback and holding regular 1:1 meetings. In fact, they found that higher scoring managers are more likely than lower-scoring managers to have frequent 1:1 meetings with their team members.
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Three Reasons Why Managers Avoid Performance Reviews

We all know that formal performance review discussions between managers and employees are just one component of an effective performance management process. The performance review discussion can be a powerful tool in building the employee-manager relationship when it is part of a continuous performance management strategy.
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You Rock! - 5 Ways to Transform Positive Performance Feedback

The topic of delivering performance feedback typically focuses on how to provide constructive or critical feedback aimed at improving performance. I have written several articles aimed at offering sound practices for improving employee performance using effective performance feedback and realize that I have not appropriately addressed the importance of positive feedback. I believe that both constructive and positive feedback are critically important for high performance but for different reasons.
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Shining the Light on Bad Bosses

Bad Bosses Hide in Dark Corners Why do bad bosses seem to go undetected or acknowledged by everyone except those who work for them? These menacing managers seem to hide in dark corners. It is extremely frustrating for anyone who is suffering under a bad manager that this person's poor performance or bad behavior is overlooked and tolerated by the organization. In my experience in working with senior leaders, these four reasons seem to top the list:
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Competency Model of a Bad Boss

The next time you have a moment to spare and have grown tired of reading online news and checking social media, do a search on "characteristics of a bad boss". The lists, articles, stories and images that will surface will likely make you laugh. There is no shortage of examples of what it's like to work for a bad manager. One of my favorite lists of characteristics was published on - 31 Telltale Signs You Are A Horrible Boss. Great list - but my guess is that if you are a horrible boss you will not likely see these telltale signs in yourself.
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Feedback Now: We All Love Continuous Performance Feedback

Feedback Now: Because we all <3 spreading feedback What do you get when you cross the anonymity of 360 Feedback with the social media savvy set?
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The Ultimate Plan for Tackling Poor Employee Performance

Addressing poor employee performance is probably one of the most stressful and least appealing aspects of being a leader. Not tackling a performance problem in its early stages is a pitfall that some managers fall into, for any number of reasons. I have heard countless reasons (excuses) why poor employee performance has been overlooked with the five most common being:
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Benefits of the 90 Day Performance Review

The 90 day performance review is conducted by many organizations after an employee (new hire or transferred employee) starts a new position. Some organizations require a 90 day performance review as it marks the end of a formal ‘probationary period’ for new hires but many organizations have adopted the process as a part of sound talent management practice. While it may seem like an additional administrative formality, the 90 day review should be included as an essential step in the onboarding process as it offers employees, managers and the organization several important benefits.
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